
Resources at The Ohio State University

Other Libraries, Collections, Institutions and Associations of Slavic Studies

  • Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection
    Is an institute of Harvard University dedicated to supporting scholarship internationally in Byzantine, Garden and Landscape, and Pre-Columbian studies through fellowships, meetings, exhibitions, and publications.
  • Hill Museum & Manuscript Library - Founded to preserve medieval manuscripts from Europe, Africa, and the Middle East in microfilm form.
  • St. Pachomius Library: Lives of the Saints
  • Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds - The Institute for Medieval Studies brings together medievalists across the University of Leeds and beyond to form a community of scholars working on the societies and cultures of the European Middle Ages. Their range spans Europe, from Iceland to Africa and the Near East, and from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance, and they include historians, literary scholars, linguists and art historians.
  • The Early Slavic Studies Association - The Early Slavic Studies Association is a scholarly, non-profit organization dedicated to fostering closer worldwide communication among scholars interested in pre-eighteenth century Slavic studies; and to promoting the dissemination of scholarly information on early Slavic studies through the organization of meetings and conferences and through the Association's newsletter.
  • A. A. Dmitrievskii. Opisanie liturgicheskikh rukopisei, khraniashchikhsia v bibliotekakh Pravoslavnogo Vostoka
    St. Petersburg Society of Byzantium, Slavic Studies was founded in 1993 and registered by the Department of Justice of the St Petersburg City Hall of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as a public association of the creative union of scientists (Certificate of Registration of the Charter of Public Associations number 1676 of October 14, 1993). The Company brings together specialists from different areas of knowledge related to the study of Byzantium Slavic antiquities, in order to consolidate their creative forces and coordinate their research activities. The Society closed in the 2020s.
  • Corpus Cyrillo-Methodianum Helsingiense
    The Corpus Cyrillo-Methodianum Helsingiense (CCMH) is an electronic corpus of the most important Old Church Slavonic (OCS) texts. The texts are encoded in 7-bit ASCII in order to ensure maximum portability.
  • Povest' vremennykh let: An Interlinear Collation & Paradosis
    The compilation of chronicle entries known as the Povˇest' vremennykh lˇet (PVL) is a fundamental source for the historical study of the vast eastern European and Eurasian lands that now include major parts of Ukraine and Belarus, as well as extensive parts of the Russian Federation and Poland.

Digitized Slavic Manuscript Collections and Resources Online

Digitized Manuscripts and Early Printed Books - Slavic and Slavic related

Other Digital Manuscripts Resources, including Greek, Hebrew, etc.

Codicological Resources

Conservation and Preservation

Manuscripts in America, Fragmentology and Exhibits

Art and Architecture

Journals online


Online Exhibitions and Exhibition Announcements

Articles about Manuscripts in the Popular Press

Eastern Orthodox Resources