Resources at The Ohio State University
- The Ohio State University homepage
- Arts and Sciences, College of
- Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures, Department of
- Slavic and East European Studies, Center for
- Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Center for
- Study of Religion, Center for the
- OSU Libraries On-line Catalog, select tab "Books and More" (includes catalog entries of HRL holdings)
- ScriptoriaSlavica: Medieval Slavic Manuscripts and Culture Blog
- Polata Knigopisnaia (on the Knowledge Bank)
An informational bulletin devoted to the study of early Slavic books, texts, and literatures. - East European & Slavic Studies (EES) (Lib Guide)
- Rare Books and Manuscripts Library, a library in OSUL's Special Collections
- Special Collections, a division of OSU Libraries
Other Libraries, Collections, Institutions and Associations of Slavic Studies
- Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection
Is an institute of Harvard University dedicated to supporting scholarship internationally in Byzantine, Garden and Landscape, and Pre-Columbian studies through fellowships, meetings, exhibitions, and publications. - Hill Museum & Manuscript Library - Founded to preserve medieval manuscripts from Europe, Africa, and the Middle East in microfilm form.
- St. Pachomius Library: Lives of the Saints
- Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds - The Institute for Medieval Studies brings together medievalists across the University of Leeds and beyond to form a community of scholars working on the societies and cultures of the European Middle Ages. Their range spans Europe, from Iceland to Africa and the Near East, and from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance, and they include historians, literary scholars, linguists and art historians.
- The Early Slavic Studies Association - The Early Slavic Studies Association is a scholarly, non-profit organization dedicated to fostering closer worldwide communication among scholars interested in pre-eighteenth century Slavic studies; and to promoting the dissemination of scholarly information on early Slavic studies through the organization of meetings and conferences and through the Association's newsletter.
- A. A. Dmitrievskii. Opisanie liturgicheskikh rukopisei, khraniashchikhsia v bibliotekakh Pravoslavnogo Vostoka
St. Petersburg Society of Byzantium, Slavic Studies was founded in 1993 and registered by the Department of Justice of the St Petersburg City Hall of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as a public association of the creative union of scientists (Certificate of Registration of the Charter of Public Associations number 1676 of October 14, 1993). The Company brings together specialists from different areas of knowledge related to the study of Byzantium Slavic antiquities, in order to consolidate their creative forces and coordinate their research activities. The Society closed in the 2020s. - Corpus Cyrillo-Methodianum Helsingiense
The Corpus Cyrillo-Methodianum Helsingiense (CCMH) is an electronic corpus of the most important Old Church Slavonic (OCS) texts. The texts are encoded in 7-bit ASCII in order to ensure maximum portability. - Povest' vremennykh let: An Interlinear Collation & Paradosis
The compilation of chronicle entries known as the Povˇest' vremennykh lˇet (PVL) is a fundamental source for the historical study of the vast eastern European and Eurasian lands that now include major parts of Ukraine and Belarus, as well as extensive parts of the Russian Federation and Poland.
Digitized Slavic Manuscript Collections and Resources Online
- Novgorod Birchbark Documents Online
The site is part of the created system of electronic resources, which includes a digital master file and multifunctional database containing full archaeological information about the documents and the text body with lemmatization and morphological markings. The full version of the database at the end of work on it can be downloaded from the site. - Novgorodskii muzei zapovednik. Dated manuscripts, Collections - frescoes, archaeology, architecture, wood, decorative arts, and documents pre-1917.
- Visoko Dečani Monastery's digital library includes scans of manuscripts from the 14th-18th centuries, early printed books, etc.
- Sviato-Troitska Sergieva Lavra, Slavic Manuscripts of the
- Borgiani illirici manuscript collection (Vatican City) SPEC.BORG.ILLIR. NB: The Vatican Library is digitizing its manuscript, incunables, archives, etc., and making them available online.
View the manuscripts from the Borgiani illirici collection that have been scanned and uploaded to date: - Vatican Slavic manuscript collection (Vatican City) SPEC.VATICAN.SLAV.
View the manuscripts from the Vatican Slavic collection that have been scanned and uploaded to date: - Monastery of St Catherine at Mount Sinai - online access to manuscripts microfilmed by the Library of Congress in cooperation with American Foundation for the Study of Man and the Farouk I University in 1950. See also access to manuscripts on the website of the National Library of Israel.
- Sinai Manuscripts Digital Library: A publication of St. Catherine's Monastery of the Sinai, Egypt. St. Catherine’s Monastery of the Sinai in partnership with the Early Manuscripts Electronic Library (EMEL) and the UCLA {University of California, Los Angeles] Library. As of May 2024, the manuscripts scanned and uploaded included 627 Arabic, 334 Syriac, 59 Greek, 17 Christian Palestinian Aramaic, 16 Georgian, 3 Coptic, 2 Turkish, 2 Latin, and 2 Church Slavonic.
- Monastery of St Catherine at Mount Sinai: The Michigan-Princeton-Alexandria Expeditions to Mount Sinai
- Народна библиотека Србије (Београд) - information about the Cyrillic manuscript collection at the National Library of Serbia
- Digital Library of Sts. Cyril and Methodius National Library
- Zograf Electronic Library at Sofia University "St Kliment Ohridski," Sofia, Bulgaria
- Digital Library of the National Library "Ivan Vazoz" in Plovdiv, Bulgaria/Народна библиотека на "Иван Вазоз," Пловдив
- Kopitar Collection at Ljubljana National and University Library, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- University Library "Svetozar Marković," Belgrade, Serbia: Manuscripts and Documents, Early Printed Books, libraries, archival material.
- Austrian National Library - Bibliography for Manuscripts
- Biblioteka Uniwersytecka KUL The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin Manuscripts in its Digital Library
- GIM - State Historical Museum, Moscow, Russia: Collection of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books
- Scientific Centre of Excellence for Croatian Glagolitic, Zagreb, Croatia
- Digital Library of Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan, Italy
- Manuscripts purchased by Jernej Kopitar at the Austrian National Library: Cod. Slav. 34 is online in color; Cod. Slav. 35 is online but it is a scan from a black and white microfilm photographed in 1971. Both codices were originally housed in Hilandar Monastery.
- NEB Selected Monuments, National Electronic Library / Национальная электронная библиотека, Russia
- Russian Books of the 18th century. "A collection of books printed in Russia from 1725-1801 based on Svodnyi katalog russkoi knigi grazhdanskoi pechati XVIII veka. Most titles were curated from the impressive digitization project, Natsional’naia Elektronnaia Biblioteka, operated by the Russian State Library. This collection is curated by the Slavic Reference Service (SRS) and is open to all researchers."
- Digital Staatsbibliothek-Berlin, Deutschland. Church Slavonic early printed books and manuscripts
- Athonite Digital Ark: The Treasure of Orthodoxy, Mount Athos, Greece
- Mount Athos Repository, Mount Athos, Greece
- Институт Русского Афона 'Institute of Russian Athos': History of the Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery and all of the large and small Russian monasteries/abodes on Mt. Athos.
- Gorazd: The Old Church Slavonic Digital Hub, a project of Department of Old Church Slavonic and Byzantine Studies at the Institute of Slavonic Studies of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- ALVIN, platform for digital collections and digitized cultural heritage - digitized Russian resources, Sweden
Digitized Manuscripts and Early Printed Books - Slavic and Slavic related
- Ostromirovo Evangelie, Virtual Exhibit, Russian National Library
- Dobreishovo Gospel, World Digital Library
- Gospels of Tsar Ivan Alexander, British Library
- Lestvica / Scala paradisi / The Ladder of St. John Climacus - digital resources from Tat'iana Popova:
- Egbert's Psalter (Codex Gertrudianus), Reichenau, 977-993 (980 ca.), Kievan Rus’, 1078-1086, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Archivi e Biblioteca, Cividale del Friuli, Italy
- Geography of Letters - Историческата Памет на София: География на преписите на История славянобългарска - dedicated to the manuscript copies of Paisii Khilendarski's History of the Slaveno-Bulgarians, including the copy housed in the Hilandar Research Library, a gift of Esther N. Clarke.
- Псалтир 'Psalter with supplemental texts' (Цетинје: Тип. Ђурђа Црноевића, печ. Макари, 1494)
- Early Printed Books, Uspenja Monastery, Slava Rusă, Romania - Old Rite.
Other Digital Manuscripts Resources, including Greek, Hebrew, etc.
- Polonsky Foundation Digitization Project, A collaboration between the Bodleian Libraries and the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
- Sinai Manuscripts Digital Library: A publication of St. Catherine's Monastery of the Sinai, Egypt. St. Catherine’s Monastery of the Sinai in partnership with the Early Manuscripts Electronic Library (EMEL) and the UCLA {University of California, Los Angeles] Library. As of May 2024, the manuscripts scanned and uploaded included 627 Arabic, 334 Syriac, 59 Greek, 17 Christian Palestinian Aramaic, 16 Georgian, 3 Coptic, 2 Turkish, 2 Latin, and 2 Church Slavonic.
- MEMBRA DISPERSA SINAITICA: Notes on Sinai's Dispersed Manuscript Heritage by Peter Tarras,"Collecting Clues: A Forged Colophon and the Trade in Sinaitic Manuscripts"; Guest post by Georgi Parpulov, "Stray Leaves from an Ancient Triodion"
- Pinakes: Textes et manuscrits grecs, IRHT - Institut de rechercher et d'histoire des textes, Paris, France
- Ancient World Digital Library, New York University
- Digital Central Asian Archaeology, AWDL
Codicological Resources
- Diplomatics: The Science of Reading Medieval Documents. A Handbook by Federico Gallo (Milano 2024)
- The Bernstein Consortium, specifically, The Memory of Paper - Watermarks
- International Association of Paper Historians - Watermark catalogues
- Watermarks of the Middle Ages, Austrian Academy of Sciences
- Dutch University Institute for Art History in Florence - Watermark database
- LIMA: Paper: Watermark Databases, Centre for the Study of the Renaissance, Warwick University
- Watermark Information System, German Research Foundation
- Hauptstaatsarchiv, Stuttgart - Piccard Watermark Collection
- Archive of Watermarks and Papers in Greek Manuscripts - Robert Allison
- Watermarks: New ways to see and search them, The National Archives, Richmond, UK
- CURATOR'S PROJECT The Watermark Identification in Rembrandt’s Etchings (WIRE) Project, CODART Ezine
- Sizing Paper
- Cotton Linters
- Papermaking by hand at Hayle Mill, England in 1976 (11:41), East Anglia Television
- Chancery Papermaking at the University of Iowa's Center for the Book (11:42)
- Chancery Papermaking 2016 - 2000 Sheets in One Day (6:42)
- Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books: A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology
- Language of Bindings Thesaurus (LoB)
- How parchment is made - Domesday - BBC Two (4:03)
- FMR Art'e' - Pergamena (2:05) There is no narration - only music plays in the background. The explanatory paragraph translates as "Lamb’s skin (but also sheepskin, mutton skin, goatskin) macerated in lime, then scraped, stretched and dried: in this way it becomes smooth and translucent and, after being further smoothed with pumice or cuttlefish bone, is very suitable for writing on. It is also called parchment."
- Making Manuscripts - Getty Museum (6:19)
- The Ancient Craft Of Parchment-Making In Western Turkey, 2023 (10:14)
- The Ancient Craft Of Parchment-Making In Western Turkey, 2023 (10:14)
Conservation and Preservation
- Endangered Archives Program, British Library. "The Endangered Archives Programme (EAP) facilitates the digitisation of archives around the world that are in danger of destruction, neglect or physical deterioration."
- Care & Handling of Rare Books, Paper, Manuscripts, Photographs & Archives (19:16) - David Ashman, Preservation Manager, Auckland Libraries
Manuscripts in America, Fragmentology and Exhibits
- Digital Scriptorium "is dedicated to building an online national union catalog built on Linked Open Data technologies and practices for premodern manuscripts in US collections."
- The Peripheral Manuscripts Project: Digitizing Manuscripts in the Midwest
- Manuscript Road Trip, Blog by Lisa Fagin Davis
- Medieval Manuscripts of the Rochester Institute of Technology's Digital Collections
- Spring 2025 Special Collections Research Center Exhibition "The Making of the Medieval Book," Syracuse University Libraries
Art and Architecture
- Study Studenica – Parametric and Reverse Architectural Design, Studenica Monastery, Raška, Serbia. UNESCO World Heritage Centre.
Journals online
- Археографски прилози (Arheografski prilozi), National Library of Serbia, Beograd
- Византийский временник/Byzantina Xronika, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Palaeobulgarica/Старобългаристика, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Slovo: Časopis Staroslavenskoga instituta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia
- Старинар (Starinar), Archaeological Institute, Beograd, Serbia
- Труды Отдела древнерусской литературы (Trudy Otdela drevneusskoi literatury), Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskii dom), Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia
- Црквене студије (Crkvene studije), editor-in-chief Dragiša Bojović, Universty of Niš, Faculty of Philosophy
- Hrčak: Portal of Croatian of Scientific and Professional Journals, Zagreb, Croatia
- Старославянский словарь (по рукописям X–XI веков) / Под ред. Р. М. Цейтлин, Р. Вечерки и Э. Благовой. М.: "Русский язык", 1994.
- Азбука Веры 'ABC of Faith' > "Orthodox Library of Holy Father and Church Writers" > Old Church Slavonic, Church Slavonic, and other dictionaries
- Frontistes Library, Old Church Slavonic, Church Slavonic, and other dictionaries (see Privacy policy)
- Etymology and History of Words of the Russian Language, including Slovar' russkogo iazyka XI-XVII, vols. 1-30
Online Exhibitions and Exhibition Announcements
- "Building the Book from the Ancient World to the Present Day: Five Decades of Rare Book School & The Book Arts Press," Barbara Heritage and Ruth-Ellen St. Onge, Grolier Club Online Exhibitions
- Exhibit "From Avvakum to Agaf'i: Old Believer Manuscripts in the Collection of M.A. Maksimov," Russian National Library, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Exhibit announcement "From Pattern to Painting: The Iconography of Pimen Sofronov," Hilandar Research Library, Columbus, Ohio, Summer 2018
Articles about Manuscripts in the Popular Press
- Moynihan, Colin. "Looted Monastery Manuscripts Rediscovered During Office Renovation." New York Times 28 April 2023. Updated 3 May 2023.
Eastern Orthodox Resources
- Mount Athos: The Holy Mountain
- Mount Athos Foundation of America
- Friends of Mount Athos
- Азбука Веры 'ABC of Faith'
- Orthodox: Wikipedia
- Orthodox: Television
- Serbian Orthodox Church/Srpska pravoslavna crkva; The
- Српска православна црква
- BLAGO, the new Orthodox history & culture website from the Serbian Unity Congress
- The Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
- The Bulgarian Orthodox Church
- American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Church
- Orthodox Church in America Archdiocese
- Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Monastery
- St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary
- St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary
- St. Herman of Alaska Theological Seminary